Readings in Political Economy. Discussion on Issues such as foreign debt, E-vat, oil prices, globalization, import liberalizattion, deregulation, privitization, WTO, World Bank, Classical and Neo classical economics, Neo-Keynesian Economics, and Third World Studies. Resources for students of B.S. Sociology at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, students of Justin Nicolas

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

BSS 4-1 2010 Methods of Research Christmasbreak Homework

SOCI 3013 METHODS OF RESEARCH Reading Guide and Assignment

Second Semester SY 2010-2011

A. Previous Assignments

1. Self Awareness Homework

2. Observation Assignment (Group)

3. Matrix (Epistemology-Ontology-Methodology)

B. Read Part I (Chapters 1-6) of the following e-book:

W.L. Neuman (2007). Basics of Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches 2nd ed. Pearson: Boston

Answer the following questions:

1. Explain the are the different uses of research. Compare and contrast basic and applied research.

2. Explain the different types of applied research.

3. Compare and contrast the three basic purposes of research.

4. Describe briefly the different time dimension researches

5. Describe briefly the different data collection techniques.

6. Compare and contrast inductive and deductive theorizing.

7. Explain the Grounded Theory

8. Explain the different types of explanations.

9. Explain the three major approaches in the social sciences.

10. Explain the goals of literature review.

11. Describe the various sources of scholarly review.

12. Explain the steps in conducting a literature review.

13. Explain the different errors in explanation.

14. Explain how concepts are operationalized.

15. Explain Validity and Reliability

16. Explain the different types of Validity

17. Explain the different levels of Measurement. Explain the concept of “true zero.”

18. Explain the use of indices and scales. Describe some commonly used scales.

19. Explain the different non-probability sampling techniques.

20. Explain the different probability sampling techniques.

C. Choosing your topic/ Writing the Problems Statement and Doing the initial Review of Related Literature

1. On a bond paper, plot the different concepts in Sociology that you are interested in or may have written on in you major subjects. It may include social problems that you may be an advocate of or simply interested in. It may also involve a theory that you are in the process of exploring. From the concept FAMILY – you may include husband and wife relationships; children; extended family; siblings relationship etc. Under children, you may have more specific topics such as child abuse, child pornography, children’s rights, child labor, incest, social conditions of children, drug abuse, gangs, children in conflict with the law, etc. You may also include organizations, programs and laws related to your topic such as DSWD, Magna Carta for women, 4P’s (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program), etc.

2. Represent each concept in a circle connected by lines until you have filled up the paper with a web of circles. After you have filled up the paper, try to eliminate the topics which are too broad and topics that you think are commonly researched already. Put an “X” on these circles. From the circles that are left, try to choose the ten concepts that you are most interested in.

3. List down those ten topics, and try to think of specific topics that you want to know about the topics that you chose. You may include topics identified from the recommendations of previous theses written or based on a need identified by an organization.

4. From the ten specific topics, try to surf the Internet and see if there are available materials for your topic. Among the ten, eliminate the topics that you found difficult to research.

5. Transform the five topics that are left into sentence topics. For example, “The problems experienced by lesbian and gay employees in a garment factory.”

6. For each of the five topics, try to find at least ten sources. It may be book, journals, magazine articles, Internet sources, videos, etc. List the sources using the proper format. Example. Giddens, Anthony. Central Problems in Social Theory. Berkleyt:University of California Press, 1979. Include papers written by Sociology graduates like the theses they submitted to the Department.

7. For each of the bibliographical entry, provide a summary of the portion of the book that you found relevant to your topic. For example: “The book of Giddens provided insights on my theoretical framework and helped me with identifying the variables needed in my study…” IN this way, you will be able to identify how relevant is the material that you found.

8. Based on your initial review of literature, list at least five questions that you want to answer about each of the five topics you chose

D. Group Reports: Divide the class into Seven (7) Groups to report Part Two and Part Three of the Book, namely: (Starting 2nd week of January) Please prepare a Power point presentation and submit through email and in CD form.

Group 1 – Chapter 7 (Survey Research)

Group 2 – Chapter 8 (Experimental Research)

Group 3 – Chapter 9 (Nonreactive Research and Secondary Analysis)-Content Analysis

Group 4 – Chapter 11 (Field Research)- Ethnography; Ethnomethodology

Group 5 – Chapter 12 (Historical-Comparative Research)

Group 6 – (The Case Study)

Group 7 – (Evaluative Studies)



a. Concept map of topics

b. List of Ten topics

c. List of Five topics in sentence form

d. A list of five to ten sources per topic with description (annotated bibliography)

e. List of Questions you want to answer

f. Answers to the 20 questions for Chapters 1-6.


Groupings with list of members with designated leader

Draw lots on the topic (or group number)

Initial plan for group presentation and power point design



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