SO320 Notes on Migration 2008
SO320 Notes_Migration
Class of Justin V. Nicolas
1st Semester SY 2008-2009
ß any permanent change in residence (spatial by definition)
ß “detachment from the organization of activities at one place and the movement of the total round of activities to another (Goldscheider, 1971:64)
ß All migrants are movers but not all movers are migrants. (Ex. Construction worker who is a temporary resident elsewhere; sojourners who work abroad; those who transferred residence but leaves near the old residence)
ß United Nations: anyone who moves permanently, spending at least 1 year in a new locale, to another geographic region of the same country, and all who move permanently to another country
ß Categories of migration: internal and international migration
a) Internal migration – permanent change of residence within national bouderies
b) International migration – moving from one country to another; emigrant in terms of area of origin; immigrant in terms of the area of destination
ß Categories of migration
a) out-migrant– with reference to area of origin (the place you left behind)
b) in-migrant – with respect to your destination
ß International migration: differentiation of migrants
a) legal migrants – those who have legal and political permission to make the move they undertake
b) illegal migrants – no legal permission
c) refugees – “any person who is outside his or her country of nationality and is unable or unwilling to return to that country because of persecution or well-founded fear of persecution. Claims of persecution may be based on race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or public opinion.”
d) Asylees – a refugee with a geographic twist- he or she is in the country to which they are applying for admission, whereas a refugee is outside the country at the time of application.”
Gross rate of out-migration = ______Total out-migrants_______ X 1,000
Total midyear population
Gross rate of in-migration = ______Total in -migrants_______ X 1,000
Total midyear population
Net migration – the difference between those who move in and those who move out
Crude net migration rate – is the net number of migrants in a year per 1,000 people in s population
CNMR = __Total In –migrants - Total out-migrants__ X 1,000
Total midyear population
Total migration rate = ______In –migrants + out-migrants_____ X 1,000
Total midyear population
Migration turnover rate = ______Total migration rate_______ X 1,000
Crude net migration rate
Migration tutnover rate – the ratio of the total migration rate to the crude net migration rate
migration effectiveness – measure how “effective” the volume of migration is in redistributing the population
Migration effectiveness (E) = ______Crude net migration rate _______ X 1,000
Total migration rate
Forward survival method of migration estimation – the intercensal net migration rates for each age and sex group by combining census data with life-table probabilities of survival.
Example: Given:
- In 1980, 20,317510 males aged 20-29
- life-table values 98.15% probability of survival in 10 years OR
- 19, 941,636 still alive at ages 30-39 in 1990
- actual 1990 census counted 21,332,000
Estimated male migrants = 1,390,364
Migration ratio – the measure of the effect of migration to population by calculating the ratio of migration to the natural increase
migration ratio = ______Net migration_______ X 1,000
Births -Deaths
(Please go to Migration Process and International Migration Perspectives)
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